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Chinese Medicine Andrology: prostatitis, sexuality, erectile dysfunction and male infertility

za 14 september 2024 en zo 15 september 2024
Berghotel, Utrechtseweg 225, 3818 EG Amersfoort
12:00-18:00 uur
Olivia Pojer
€ 250,00
FAGT, LVNT, NVA (AT), NVST, NWP, VBAG, Zhong (12 NAP - Cat. 1)
TCM therapeut

This seminar provides an introduction to Chinese Medicine andrology (Nan Ke) which is essential knowledge for all practitioners who want to increase their number of male patients. Diving deeper we will finally focus on the three most common indications in clinic: prostatitis, erectile dysfunction & sexuality from a Chinese Medicine perspective and male infertility.

We will:
  • try to reframe male hormons and hormonal imbalances into Chinese Medicine patterns and figure out treatment strategies for hormonal problems. This knowledge is also essential for treating male problems such as erectile dysfunction and male infertility.
  • look at the 8 years Jing cycle of men in a very special way.
  • talk about causes and treatment strategies to fix infections of the prostatae.
  • get an introduction to ancient Chinese history of sexuality and what we can use nowadays to treat male issues such as lack of libido and erectile dysfunction.
  • and finally dive deep into the treatment of male infertility and cover topics like azoospermia, antisperm-antibodies, epigenetics and we´ll learn to treat our infertility patients according to their semen analysis with acupuncture and Chinese herbs and formulas.

About the teacher

Dr. med. Olivia Pojer is a medical doctor and TCM therapist. She is co-owner of “Femme&Fertile”, an integrative fertility clinic near Graz (Austria). She has specialized entirely in the integrative treatment of fertility disorders with a focus on andrological problems. Among other things, she is the holder of the European Acupuncture Diploma and has completed study visits in Wuhan and Nanjing. She holds the international certificate of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM). Dr. Pojer is an international speaker and author. Her book on the integrative treatment of male infertility with Chinese Medicine is published by Singing Dragon in November 2022.