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Autoimmune Infertility and Early Miscarriages
What is the problem?
A miscarriage is the most common complication during pregnancy. About 15% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, and 25% of women will experience at least one. Recurrent miscarriages, meaning the loss of three or more pregnancies in a row, fortunately only happen to about 1% of couples. We know that 50% of early pregnancy losses are due to chromosomal issues with the embryo, but there are other causes too.
What could be the cause?
Sometimes the problem is with the mother’s body, such as an immune disorder or an imbalance of bacteria in the uterus. The immune system might mistakenly attack the embryo’s cells, treating them as a threat, like a virus or bacteria.
Common immune-related problems
There are six common immune-related issues that can lead to recurrent miscarriages or problems with implantation. These include:
HLA incompatibility (important for the immune system)
Blood clotting disorders
Positive antinuclear antibodies (ANA)
Autoimmune response to sperm cells
Abnormal natural killer cells (NK cells)
Abnormal leukocyte antibodies (LA)
Treatment options
In conventional medicine, treatments such as steroids and blood thinners are often used to manage these problems. However, they do not always work for everyone. Natural treatments using herbal medicine and medicinal mushrooms (mycology) have shown similar results, though they are not a perfect solution either.
What will this lecture cover?
This lecture will explore the different immune-related issues and compare conventional treatments with natural medicine. The lecture is based on 20 years of experience and data from over 2000 couples treated at Dr. Wing’s clinic in London.
About Trevor Wing
Dr. Wing is an expert in women’s health with extensive experience in both conventional and natural medicine. He has run the Women’s Natural Health Clinic in London for over 20 years, where he treats women with gynecological and pregnancy-related issues. Dr. Wing holds multiple academic degrees in Traditional Chinese Medicine and medical diagnostics, and lectures worldwide on natural treatments for women’s health.
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