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29 JUN
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Kiiko Matsumoto: Treating Lingering Pathogenic Factors

za 29 juni 2024 en zo 30 juni 2024
Fletcher, Stichtse Rotonde 11, 3818 GV Amersfoort
12:00-18:00 uur
Kiiko Matsumoto
€ 285,00
FAGT, LVNT, NVA (AT), NVST, NWP, VBAG, Zhong (12 NAP - Cat. 1)
TCM therapeut

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Kiiko Matsumoto Treating Lingering Pathogenic Factors
including post-viral syndrome, chronic fatigue and
post-antibiotic syndrome

For whom is this workshop?

Acupuncturists that want to work in a palpation-based way. Some background in Kiiko Matsumoto’s Style of acupuncture is recommended, but not mandatory.

What about the subject: Treating Lingering Pathogenic Factors?

In the modern acupuncture clinic, patients often present with chronic diseases that may have started after an infection. On top of this, mediations such as antibiotics, antivirals and vaccines may cause side effects that linger for a long time, and can be hard to treat.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs generally are able to treat these problems, but due to the nature of the problems, it can be complex and frustrating, and hard to determine if we are on the right path. Often, partitioners may be tempted to only use herbal medicine, and to disregard the value of acupuncture and moxibustion for these conditions. However, what if the patient doesn’t respond well to the treatment? How much root and how much branch treatment should you use? How to determine if the patient is progressing? Kiiko Matsumoto’s palpation-based approach helps many people with addressing these questions, regardless of the the style of acupuncture that you use.

Kiiko Matsumoto’s approach, as always, is to treat the patients that are presented to her. She doesn’t use fixed protocols, but approaches each patient individually, to achieve maximum results. Each patient is different. Thus is the power and beauty of the work of a master acupuncturist.

What will you be able to do after this workshop?

Kiiko is extraordinary practical in her teaching: she demonstrates on real, live patients what she does in her own clinic in Boston. This is not a theoretical workshop, the focus is on demonstrating real clinical practice. Like many Japanese teachers, Kiiko demands full attention from her students, to follow what she is doing. The reward, however, is that you will go home with treatments that you can apply in your own clinic, and verify that they work.

Why this workshop?

Kiiko’s work is getting more and more attention world wide, and Qing-Bai has been honoured to host her for years now. Her seminars in Berlin, Offenbach and Zurich are also very popular. We are happy to be part of this growing interest in palpation-based acupuncture. Students that are specialising in Kiiko Matsumoto’s style will want to attend as many seminars as they can to deepen their knowledge. Students that use Kiiko Matsumoto’s approach to strengthen their own approach, are inspired by Kiiko’s practicality, and challenged to get the same results using other methods.

Can you give me some examples of how Kiiko Matsumoto teaches?

A few short clips of past workshops are available on Youtube:
Example 1
Example 2

So is this a course in Japanese acupuncture?

Yes and no. Kiiko Matsumoto studied and graduated in Japan, and her main influences are from Japanese teachers. However, she has an extraordinary knowledge of the classics, and has the ability to demonstrate her interpretation of Su Wen, Ling Shu and Nan Jing directly on the patient.

Who is the teacher?

Presenter Kiiko Matsumoto is considered by many a "living Master of Acupuncture". A world-renowned teacher and author, she has integrated the works of important Japanese acupuncture masters such as Master Nagano, Master Kawai and Dr. Manaka into a coherent and clinically powerful system. Kiiko Matsumoto presents at seminars worldwide and runs a private practice in Newton Highlands, MA.

Can I bring a patient?

You absolutely! Kiiko has an extraordinary knowledge of the classics, but wants to show the application on real patients. So if you bring in a challenging patient for Kiiko to treat, this is most welcome. (A sign up list will be provided a few weeks before start of the seminar).