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Accessing the Power of Nature with Your Acupuncture Treatments

start vr 21 maart 2025 - studiedagen: 3
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start vr 21 maart 2025 - studiedagen: 3
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12:00-18:00 uur
Sharon Weizenbaum
€ 390,00
FAGT, LVNT, NVA (AT), NVST, NWP, VBAG, Zhong (18 NAP - Cat. 1)
TCM therapist


Exciting Update: Now also Available via Livestream!

This much-anticipated course is now available both in-person and online!
Having trouble subscribing via our Dutch website or just want some assistance? Send an e-mail to and we'll happily help you. You can also call us on business days between 09.00 and 12.30 hrs on 0031485 550 860.
The start and ending times mentioned are Amsterdam time (MET, GMT +1).

Accessing the Power of Nature with Your Acupuncture Treatments
In the Tradition of the Yellow Emperor

What Are We Really Doing When We Treat a Point?

When we treat a point, we often use phrases like “supplementing the spleen,” “balancing the channel,” or “draining fire.” We might even incorporate Western terminology, such as “strengthening the immune system” or “lowering blood pressure.” However, this language is absent from the ancient texts like the Huang Di Nei Jing and Nan Jing.

Understanding Human Physiology Through the Lens of the Classics

The Huang Di Nei Jing describes human physiology as a reflection of our relationship to the time-space motions of the celestial bodies and the cyclic natural changes the movement of these heavenly bodies causes. Diagnosis determines how a human has lost connection to nature’s time-space motions. Treatment becomes our method to re-establish alignment with this connection. The treatment suggested by the text restores alignment and connection to the power of nature lacking within the person. When accessed, nature pours its gifts into the body with powerful healing capacities.

Practical Applications of Classical Wisdom in Modern Acupuncture

This may sound lofty, poetic, and impractical. However, this workshop makes it highly practical and accessible. Qi Bo, the Yellow Emperor’s teacher/physician, did his best to help us access these teachings. He asserts their vital importance throughout, begging that it not be lost.

From Text to Treatment: Bringing the Classics to Life

In this workshop, sharon will illustrate and explain classical physiology according to the classics. Through understanding the text, practitioners will learn the essential relationship between Yin Yang, Five Phases, Six Channels, and the Stems and Branches. Seemingly obscure passages will become clear instructions, and these will then easily become part of and empower your acupuncture practice.

This workshop will be a mix of lecture and demonstrations of diagnosis and treatment.

About Sharon Weizenbaum

Sharon Weizenbaum has been practicing acupuncture since 1983. While living in China from 1990 to 1991, Sharon studied herbal obstetrics and gynecology and began to develop her language skills to access written traditions directly. Sharon is the founder of White Pine Institute and White Pine Circle, which has enabled her to bring her herbal training and her teachers from China to practitioners around the world. For the last 23 years, she has offered a two-year Graduate Mentorship Program, a classical herbal training based on the Huang Di Nei Jing and the Shang Han Za Bing Lun. She has developed this program to give practitioners a systematic, comprehensive and practical method to apply this powerful classical medicine. One of her strengths is bringing clarity to the process of going from a complex patient to a concise diagnosis and treatment. Sharon lives on a small farm in rural Western Massachusetts, where her daughter runs a permaculture farm, with horses, goats, and sheep. She rides her bike to her nearby clinic.